Big Data Analysis

“Big Data”, also known as “Big Data”, refers to a large amount of unstructured or structured data obtained from a variety of sources.

The main concept of “Big Data” comes from the fact that it has been used over the past decade to unify data analysis, business intelligence and statistical applications within enterprises.


Characteristics of Big Data

Generally speaking, Big Data has the following characteristics:

  • Volume: The amount of data that is impossible to manage with past technologies, the unit of data can be from TB (terabyte) to PB (petabyte).
  • Velocity: Data is updated every minute and every second, and the technology is capable of storing and processing it in real time.
  • Variety: Enterprise sales and inventory data, website user dynamics, call records from customer service centers, text and images from social media, and other “unstructured data” that are difficult to store in enterprise databases.

The above three characteristics are called “3V”. After 3V became the main definition of big data, with the cost of storing data decreasing and the cost of acquiring data decreasing, big data developed a fourth characteristic: Veracity, which means that in addition to the amount of data, it is also necessary to confirm the authenticity of the data, and after filtering out the untrue data and anomalous values, the results of the analysis can achieve the purpose of accurate prediction.


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